Marcação: potencial

Tap Smiths

Tap Smiths

It\'s hammer time! Corra contra o relógio para criar espadas, armaduras e outros itens malucos enquanto você atualiza sua oficina de ferreiro neste emocionante, RPG de seringueiro em ritmo acelerado!Colete dezenas de personagens malucos de Smith, como o agente Smith, Bat Smith e Dark Lord of the Smith, incluindo personagens Smíticos raros com habilidades únicas! ...


Fotor for Android

Fotor for Android

With loads of prizes and access to an exponentially growing international community of professional and amateur photographers, there is no reason for you not to join up and enjoy Fotor\'s dynamic new feature. Join us at Fotor and unlock your creativity and photographic potential!“Fotor photo editor is offering quick ...


Private Gallery

Private Gallery

Want to show your friend a couple pictures but don\'t want to give them your whole camera roll in fear of potential awkwardness? Fear no more! Private Gallery allows you to make a selection of images you want your friend to see and nothing more. Available in any image sharing dialog for easy access.If they do get ...