Étiquette: Hollywood

Hollywood Paradise

Hollywood Paradise

Arrêter! In the name of Hollywood! Start your career as a movie producer with the #1 movie making simulation game on Google Play today.Welcome to the star studded, stunning and spectacular bays of Hollywood Paradise! As head of your own movie studio, you call the shots. Hire directors, script writers, acteurs, actresses, ...


Dessinateur (Drawing Cartoons)

Dessinateur (Drawing Cartoons)

Draw a real cartoon right on your phone!A perfect storytelling tool and a movie maker in your pocket. If you want to learn how to draw cartoons and start your own Hollywood studio but have no time for professional tools, try this animation creator that is simple enough to be used even by kids.This app is an animation ...


Histoire hollywoodienne

Histoire hollywoodienne

Voici votre chance de devenir une véritable star d'Hollywood!Bienvenue dans le monde étoilé, rues magnifiques et spectaculaires de Hollywood Story!Construisez votre propre carrière de star de cinéma, dominer les tapis rouges dans toute la ville, sortir avec des fans, amis et suiveurs, créer ses propres lignes de mode, shoot awesome blockbusters and become ...