Etiqueta: Negro

Pango Pirate

Pango Pirate

The treasure hunt begins!Pango is a famous pirate! EMBARK on his boat equipped with a cannon and a black flag. TRAVEL the seas with him. Seek adventure from island to island. EXPLORE a world full of funny pirates, tropical animals and friendly sea monsters. Adelante, ho, sailor!A RIDDLE awaits you on every island. Voluntad ...


Bloques Pango

Bloques Pango

LÓGICA y alegría!Prepárate para un desafío! CHOOSE logic blocks and BUILD a path for Pango.If Pango crosses the screen without falling, he will catch an item and give it to a friend.Pango will have to bring back 8 ingredients to Pig\'s kitchen, 8 tools for Fox\'s rocket, material deportivo para Ardilla, y ...