Etiqueta: corazones

Nine Hearts

Nine Hearts

An action-packed online fantasy RPG!Enter the world of Nine Hearts and defeat the evil forces to restore peace in the kingdom!Play online with other players around the world!CARACTERISTICAS- Embark on a journey with three main characters: Guerrero, Mago, or Archer- Enjoy various exciting game modes: Arena, Labyrinth, Tiempo ...




Ten mascotas interactivas a tu alcance!☆★☆Lindo! Divertida! Social!☆★☆By using screen overlay technology, puedes tener gatos, perros, y más corriendo por tu pantalla de inicio. O visita My Room para crear un espacio divertido para tus mascotas!Desbloquear nuevas mascotas, elementos, y habitaciones comprando/recogiendo galletas! Visit friends\' rooms and leave a ...


Epic Saga

Epic Saga

One tap to perfect them all!Epic Danger, Epic Loot, Epic Saga!Radin and his motley crew of allies are on a mission to save the world from the greedy claws of Mardon, the Demon of Avarice. Their clueless, yet zealous fights will have you chuckling as you cheer on the small guys with big hearts.■ One Tap Action! ■An ...




Stylish action RPG with quick and simple gameplay Rusty Hearts▶ FeaturesFeel the powerful impact of Chain BreakTrigger \'Chain Break\' with different character combination.Break through the crisis with the powerful \'Chain Break.\'Bring monsters in close and kill them in one exciting move!Wipe out ceaseless waves of ...


Obsesionado: Invitado de piedra (Completo)

Obsesionado: Invitado de piedra (Completo)

Paga una vez, jugar para siempre! Sin compras en la aplicación!Alguien está robando los corazones de los niños, literalmente! ¿Es un inventor brillante?, buscando curar a su hijo enfermo? ¿O la magia oscura se ha apoderado del pueblo??• UNA NUEVA LEYENDA INQUIETANTE PARA EXPLORAR!Tu amigo, un doctor brillante, thought his artificial heart would be the cure for ...


el piso es lava

el piso es lava

El suelo es lava!Tu objetivo es sencillo. Salta a través de tu sala de estar, but keep in mind that at any point in time… the floor can turn into hot lava! Use the hearts to your advantage and keep jumping as long as possible.Download now!


My little unicorn runner 3D

My little unicorn runner 3D

This exciting little unicorn runner 3D game is the game you girls have been waiting for! You can be the princess on the unicorn in this super fast runner game.In this game you have to run with your fabulous unicorn along many different obstacles like rocks, fences, cliffs and walls of fire, it\'s a real unicorn rush! ...


A Bird's Journey

A Bird's Journey

Tiempo de la funcion!Tonight you play the main role of \"A Bird\'s Journey\", and dream to fly around the world through theatrical scenes. Learn to flap your tiny wings, saving your energy and avoiding boats on your way. Afortunadamente, you can count on your friend the whale to help you, and on bonus items you can grab, like energy ...


Tempestad: RPG de acción pirata (inédito)

Tempestad: RPG de acción pirata (inédito)

El Jolly Roger ondea sobre tu barco, Capitán! Un RPG de aventuras que se ganó los corazones de más de 50.000 Los reproductores de Steam ya están en tu móvil! Conviértete en un atrevido pirata, merodear los mares en un barco armado hasta los dientes, comercio, y reúne a tu tripulación con los mejores asesinos, derrotar a otros piratas y monstruos legendarios como ...


Reno oscuro

Reno oscuro

Dark Reindeer is retro style TAP GAMEFollow the little santa, and adventure with Dark RenindeerDrop the Gift, reuniendo corazones, y hacer nuevos seguidores especiales!Rememberchristmas is over, pero todavía te esperan!