Etiqueta: crucigrama

Cambio de frase

Cambio de frase

¿Te consideras un maestro de las palabras?? Buscando un desafío de palabras nuevas y refrescantes?De las mentes inteligentes detrás de AdVenture Capitalist llega una versión completamente nueva del género de los rompecabezas de palabras., you\'ll read a phrase from top to bottom and shift the words side to side until the correct answer reads down. It\'s ...


Crossword Dungeon

Crossword Dungeon

Descend into the Crossword Dungeon, where every level is made up of a procedurally-generated crossword, and each letter guarded by a vile monster you must best!Guess the correct letter to instantly dispatch the monster, or risk combat damage if incorrect.Test your wits against crosswords of increasing complexity and ...