Etiqueta: borroso

Trail of Shadows: Origen

Trail of Shadows: Origen

Imagine an adventure unfolding in the depths of blurry memories and figures whose stories are lost beneath a deep web of tragedies. Imagine you could immerse yourself into that journey, connecting the dots to form a mysterious picture whose scars run deeper into an unfolding thread.Trail of Shadows: Origin is a ...


CTRL-F – Busca en el mundo real

CTRL-F – Busca en el mundo real

Deje de pasar el dedo por documentos largos - CTRL-F le permite buscar rápidamente todo tipo de textos impresos: Libros, revistas, manuales de usuario, y todo lo demás que se te ocurra!Para buscar un documento, simply scan the page using your device\'s camera. The app then analyses the document and you\'ll be able to search ...