Nintendo Switch Parental Cont


blankNintendo Switch Parental ControlsTM is a free app for smart devices to keep you engaged with your family\’s gaming activities on Nintendo Switch.
◆ A Nintendo Switch console is required to use this app.
This is recommended for people worried about things such as:
1. Is my child spending too much time playing games?
2. What kind of games is my child playing?
3. Are the games my child is playing age-appropriate?
Below are three special features of the Nintendo Switch Parental Controls app:
1. Monitor play time on your console.
Set a play-time limit and the console will notify users that the time limit has been reached.
Parents and guardians can check the Nintendo Switch Parental Controls app to see if the time limit has been followed.
It is also possible to suspend gameplay automatically when the play-time limit is reached.
2. Check up on your console\’s gameplay.
The summary function allows you to easily see what games have been played on the console recently and how much time was spent playing each day.
Users will receive a push notification for their daily play summary for the first such summary.
Monthly play summaries will always be received via push notifications.
It\’s an easy way to see what kind of games your family is interested in.
3. Restrict console features for safety.
Nintendo Switch functions can be restricted to prevent the console from playing games above a certain age rating.
◆ An Internet connection is required to use this app. Cellular data may be used. A general Nintendo Account (for ages 18 y arriba) is also required.
◆ Restrictions to Nintendo eShop purchases can be set from Nintendo Account settings.
◆ Your use of this app is subject to the Nintendo Account User Agreement available at

Just Download Nintendo Switch Parental Cont… Apk Última versión para PC con Windows 7,8,10 y portátil ahora!To Download Nintendo Switch Parental Cont… para ordenador,los usuarios deben instalar un emulador de Android como el reproductor MuMu. Con el reproductor Mumu,you can Download Nintendo Switch Parental Cont… para la versión de PC en su Windows 7,8,10 y portátil.

How to Play Nintendo Switch Parental Cont… en computadora,Computadora portátil,ventanas

1.Descargue e instale el emulador de Android MuMu Player. Haga clic en "Descargar reproductor MuMu" descargar.

2.Ejecute MuMu Player Android Emulator e inicie sesión en Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search the Nintendo Switch Parental Cont… y descargar,

O importe el archivo apk desde su PC a Mumu Player para instalarlo.

4.Install Nintendo Switch Parental Contfor PC.Now you can play Nintendo Switch Parental Cont… en PC. Diviértete!

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