

blankDownload Avira AppLock+ for Android
Share your Android device without giving access to your calls, mensajes, or financial info. Our free app locker lets you easily protect your privacy by requiring a PIN code to access confidential apps of your choice, such as WhatsApp, skype, or Facebook.
Keep control of your Android deviceeven when it\’s out of your hands.
When lending your phone to colleagues, or showing pictures to friends, you can\’t always control where they look next. But with AppLock+, you can restrict what they see. Simply lock individual apps or group them together and grant access, por ejemplo, to your notes but not your personal communications, social media accounts, or browsing history.
Smart parental controls with a soft touch
AppLock+ helps you set healthy limits on your kids\smartphone usage without being intrusive. Easily restrict purchases, new downloads, system setting changes, and app uninstallations. With the premium version, you can even block games while your kids are at school, or set time slots when it\’s okay to access Facebook, Gorjeo, or Instagram.
Schedule Lock – disponible como una compra en la aplicación
Automatically lock apps at a given time, for instance, on workdays between 9AM to 6PM, or when it\’s bedtime for your kids. Ideal for keeping your kids off Facebook Messenger while in class or stopping Pinterest from distracting you while at work.
Geo Lock – disponible como una compra en la aplicación
Automatically lock apps at a given location – por ejemplo, your kids\’ escuela. Just enter the address on the map and set a radius of 1-10km around it to establish the \safe zone\”. When in it, your selected apps will be locked.
Unlimited remote device management
Remotely lock and unlock apps on your managed phones (as many as you like!) from Avira Online Essentialsyour online dashboard. Our intuitive user interface displays an overview of all active apps per device and their lock status, which can be changed at a single click. This feature is ideal for concerned parents and device administrators.
Is AppLock+ for you?
Because you don\’t want office colleagues reading your text messages – sí.
Because you don\’t want your kids playing Candy Crush at school – sí.
Because you don\’t want to give access to your financial details in a moment of inattention – sí.

Just Download AppLock+ Apk Latest Version For PC Windows 7,8,10 y portátil ahora!To Download AppLock+ For PC,los usuarios deben instalar un emulador de Android como el reproductor MuMu. Con el reproductor Mumu,you can Download AppLock+ for PC version on your Windows 7,8,10 y portátil.

How to Play AppLock+ on PC,Computadora portátil,ventanas

1.Descargue e instale el emulador de Android MuMu Player. Haga clic en "Descargar reproductor MuMu" descargar.

2.Ejecute MuMu Player Android Emulator e inicie sesión en Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search the AppLock+ and download,

O importe el archivo apk desde su PC a Mumu Player para instalarlo.

4.Install AppLock+ for PC.Now you can play AppLock+ on PC.Have fun!

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