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Elements is a playful application that lets you create intricate patterns, by combining shape creation with movement and rotation controls. Each pattern created is unique and never duplicated. Zusätzlich, the patterns created reflect the colors being captured through your device\'s camera ­ making your pattern even ...


Strategy War

Strategy War

Strategy of War - a unique real-time strategy. Fight in space and on the ground, destroy enemies, and capture new territories. Build a huge army captured using resources*It does not require an internet connection*Features:* Global map from 50 territories* More than 15 unique units* More than 6 military towers* More ...


Seltsamer Held Future Spider 3D

Seltsamer Held Future Spider 3D

Die Stadt wurde von einem Superschurken aus der Zukunft erobert! Es schien, Nichts würde die Bewohner der Stadt retten. Aber die Heldenspinne kommt zur Rettung und will einen Kampf mit dem Superschurken!Werde ein seltsamer Superheld, Gehe in die Zukunft und besiege das Böse! Können Sie unschuldige Menschen retten?? Alles hängt davon ab ...


Screenshot Utility

Screenshot Utility

Screenshot Utility is a comprehensive tool for performing various operation on the Screenshots, images you captured.NewPress and hold on the screenshot to select multiple screenshots and delete them at once;*No root permission required for Screenshot editFeatures:DRAW AND CUSTOMIZE YOUR SCREENSHOT- You can Draw over ...


Capture Helper Screen Recorder

Capture Helper Screen Recorder

It\'s a screen recorder. Ton aufnehmen / Video, and take screenshots of your device\'s screen, verwaltet und bearbeitet die erfassten Dateien. Es ist kein Root erforderlich. Unterstützt verschiedene Audio- und Videoformate und -codierungen, mp4 enthalten, 3gpp.It also include floating buttons, Benachrichtigungsverknüpfung, Wasserzeichen, etc.


War of Words VR

War of Words VR

Britain\'s greatest war poet prepares you for battle...\'War Of Words: VR\' uses virtual reality to take you back to 1916, and into a mindset captured by Siegfried Sassoon in his controversial poem \'The Kiss\'.More poets and writers fought in the Battle of the Somme than in any other in history. \'The Kiss\' was ...


The Boxtrolls: Slide 'N' Sneak

The Boxtrolls: Slide 'N' Sneak

Help the Boxtrolls rescue their friends who have been captured by the devious Red Hats. Take up to three Boxtrolls from the safety of their underground cavern to the streets and rooftops of Cheesebridge. Laufen, slide and jump to collect as many cogs as you can. Sneak past the Red Hats and be careful not to cause too ...




Warum sollte es immer der Märchenprinz sein, die Prinzessin zu retten??!Als die böse Hexe Cramoisia den Prinzen Philippe-Jean gefangen nimmt, the beautiful Princess Pastel doesn\'t give up! Sie macht sich sofort auf zu einem aufregenden Abenteuer, um ihre gefangene Liebe zu retten!Verkörpere Prinzessin Pastel und begib dich auf diese gefährliche Reise ...




Help the captured creatures dodge their doom in the ultimate obstacle course!- Chuckle at crazy physics-based wipeouts!- Master memorable obstacles with wonderful one-touch controls!- Record ridiculous GIFs to share with friends!- Amass dozens of amazing avatars!Neu!- Challenge Mode contains 250 crafted progression ...


Landgeschichten (Voll)

Landgeschichten (Voll)

\"It\'s not too often you hear about a time management game with a story worth exploring, aber Country Tales schlägt Wellen bei Zeitmanagement-Liebhabern, die Herz und Seele nicht nur von dem grandiosen Gameplay gefangen nehmen, aber diese herzerwärmende und glückliche Geschichte.Beschriftet als \"süchtig machend,\" \"toll,\" und \"herausfordernd,\" ...