Schild: Krebs



Introduction\"Tumor Doctor\"Ist ein Krebsbehandlungssimulationsspiel. In diesem Spiel, Sie spielen einen lebensrettenden Onkologen, damit Ihre Patienten Schmerzen lindern können, to help them build confidence in life.You need to carefully watch the patient\'s physical state, Immunitätszustand, Eliminieren Sie die drei verbundenen Tumoren, Auswahl ...


That Dragon, Krebs

That Dragon, Krebs

Ein immersives, narrative experience that retells Joel Green\'s 4-year fight against cancer through about two hours of poetic, imaginative interaction that explores themes of faith, hope and love.\"This is where we go to remember our son Joel, up through here along this path. We want to show you who he was, and how his ...


AGDQ 2017 Zeitlicher Ablauf

AGDQ 2017 Zeitlicher Ablauf

** THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL APP **FEATURESFull schedule with alarmsDonation trackerButtons for twitch and donation pageWHAT IS GAMES DONE QUICK?Games Done Quick is a series of charity video game marathons. These events feature high-level play by speedrunners raising money for charity. Games Done Quick has teamed up ...